July 24-26 | Asheville, NC

Join us for the Voices of Impact, where those passionate about changing the landscape of business come together to expand their impact through speaking.

Who Should Attend:

Entrepreneurs, leaders, and service providers

who are passionate about creating a positive impact in the world through speaking.

What You Will Learn & Practice While Here:

This event is for those of you who are looking for feedback and insights on taking your career to the next level through speaking, whether you are just starting out as a speaker, or run a successful company and you’d like to refine your speaking skills to share more of your message, this event will cover:

  • Identifying with clarity your most impactful “throughline” in your speaking - the message you desire to be known for over the next three years.

  • Learn what it means to be a Voice of Impact and the responsibility you have to take care of the audience and everyone else involved with putting you on stage and giving you and your message a platform.

  • Learn how to create visceral stories that engage and create relatability between you and the audience.

  • Learn a natural story arc for your speech creations and how to tailor your speeches to different audiences.

  • Discover and practice different delivery techniques to engage and captivate your audience.

  • Understand how to cultivate the mindset of a calm, relaxed, and confident speaker that regularly gets booked.

  • Learn the business side of speaking, from booking gigs, selling from stage, negotiating, and asking for referrals.

  • Understand the exchange of value occurring to be a better advocate and negotiator with event planners creating win-win situations.

  • Learn different philosophies on how to use a stage to gain clients, to be a published author, or to make a bigger impact.

Event Overview

The Responsibility of Being a Voice of Impact

What find a lot of emphasis is put on crafting a speech, and little is put on the business of speaking. While you must absolutely have great content to offer, that is only one area of focus. You must also cultivate impactful delivery skills, build trust with event planners, and be knowledgeable about the entire business of speaking. This is what allows you to become a remarkable speaker, allows you to have the confidence to get on big stages, and the professional acumen to allow those in the speaking industry to trust you.

What to Expect:

  • Transformative teachings, time for implementation, and practice.

  • Network, share ideas, and build inspiration from other attendees.

  • Breakfast and lunch provided daily.

Jennifer Germaine

Meet Your Host

For over eight years, I have been sharing my voice and expanding my impact through stages. I’ve also been working behind the scenes with private clients to refine their message and navigate the business of speaking to elevate their own message and impact.

Whether you are just starting out as a speaker, or run a successful company and you’d like to refine your speaking skills to share more of your message, this event is for those of you who are looking for feedback and insights on taking your career to the next level through speaking.

You flourish as a speaker when you can collaborate to think through your stories, have a teacher to help you make your stories more visceral, engaging, and relatable, and receive feedback on when your stories are not a match to the clientele you are looking to attract. Crafting a speech is an art form with specific inputs that create specific outcomes. When you deeply understand the art of creating engaged and relatable speeches that match with your target audience and impact, your outcomes will match the results you are looking to achieve.

The business of speaking is similar. In knowing what your desired outcome is for your business and life, you then create the type of speech, stage, and business strategies to support that desired outcome.

During this three-day event, I’ll act as a guide to you - providing you with feedback, insights, and ideas on how to match your speaking message, style, and business to the outcomes you desire for your business and life.

Come and enjoy the art of speaking and all the doors it can open for you.



5 Star Experiences

Investment to Join: $1,000

I honor your ability to make a clear choice on whether this event is a “clear yes” for you to join. If you would like to speak to Jennifer directly about this opportunity, please email her to schedule a time to speak at jennifer@jennifergermaine.com.

Part of being an influential speaker is knowing how to be in a calm, relaxed, and confident state BEFORE taking the stage. I require the same of you BEFORE choosing to join this event, which means you have a clear yes, can invest comfortably, and participate your full time and energy into this event.

If you are not a “clear yes”, then please consider if you are a “no, thank you.” Once you have made an investment into this event, there are no refunds.

Reserve your spot today and amplify your impact on the world.


  • You will walk away with a clear understanding of what it means to be a Voice of Impact and the responsibility you have to your audience and event planners - essentially making you a well-rounded and remarkable speaking professional.

    You will deepen your understanding and practice around crafting an engaging, relatable, and captivating speech and learn the mindset and delivery styles to set you apart from average speakers.

    You will learn the business of speaking and how to build trust with those you must interact with to put you on stages and help you share your message so you can make an even bigger impact in the world.

  • Open-minded leaders, founders, entrepreneurs, and service providers dedicated to understanding how speaking can leverage their growth, learning, and transformation. The event is a peak experience - an opportunity for you to drop out of your normal daily routine and into a 3-day experience to nurture, nourish, and support you in elevating very quickly into your next growth trajectory through speaking.

  • If you are focused solely on making money, benefiting only yourself in life, and leading like a dictator, we politely request you stay home. You are not our tribe.

  • Yes, of course. We will walk you through our recommendations on preparing for the event after you have registered. You will receive information to help you prepare to get the deepest transformation possible for yourself during the event.

  • Yes. There will be question-and-answer opportunities and practices during each day of the event. You will have the opportunity to ask your questions and learn from the other attendees' questions. This is an experiential event to help you expand your skills and it is designed to meet you where you are at to elevate your speaking.

  • We do not offer any refunds. This is your opportunity to check in with yourself and ask if you are a clear yes for the time, investment, and energy to dedicate to this event. If the answer is YES!, we recommend you prioritize this event and your growth trajectory by attending this event.